Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant
Environmental Restoration Program
Restoration Advisory Board
The Restoration Advisory Board (also known as the RAB) is a forum that consists of members who reside or who work in Harrison County and surrounding areas, and individuals and groups directly impacted and have a vested interest in the environmental restoration activities at the former LHAAP, along with representatives from the Army, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region 6, and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ).
The purpose of the RAB is to involve surrounding community members in the progress and decision making process of ongoing and future environmental restoration activities at LHAAP. This is achieved by holding local quarterly meetings, which include discussion of current and upcoming plans on restoration, as well as providing plans for future restoration to the public.
The current co-chairs and members for the LHAAP RAB are listed below:
Lena Sierocinski, Army Co-Chair
Judy VanDeventer, Community Co-Chair
Terry Britt
Donna Burney
Eugene Byrd
Charles Dixon
John R. Fortune
Deon Hall
Richard LeTourneau
Sharron McAvoy
John Pollard, Jr.
Margaret Rolland
Nigel R. Shivers
Tom Walker
The RAB Charter can be viewed by clicking here.
The RAB meets quarterly at the Karnack Community Center (view MAP). See the calendar for meeting schedules. These meetings are normally held in the evening to ensure everyone is able to attend. The public is welcome to attend each meeting and ask questions as well as voice their concerns.
The RAB accepts applications for new board members at anytime. Application forms are available at meetings, or may be downloaded by clicking here.