Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant
Environmental Restoration Program
Site Description/History
LHAAP-03, also known as Site 03, or the Former Waste Collection Pad, is approximately 50 feet to the west of former Building 722-P, paint shop. LHAAP-03 was a waste collection Site outside of the paint shop at Building 722-P, which was at the Maintenance Shop Area within the boundary of LHAAP-35A(58). Building 722-P was used for paint spraying and polyurethane spray coating of various items. Metal-based primers, other waste paint, waste solvents and contaminated rags were collected in a 55-gallon drum on a gravel pad in an open-sided shed. Full drums were taken to Building 31-W for disposal. Building 722-P has been demolished.
Remediation Activities
Various investigations have been conducted at LHAAP-03 to evaluate the nature and extent of soil and groundwater impact at the Site. These investigations have included multiple rounds of soil sampling and analyses, installation of a groundwater monitoring well, and groundwater sampling and analyses. LHAAP-03 lies entirely within LHAAP-35A(58) and groundwater is being addressed as part of the remedial action for the larger Site, LHAAP-35A(58).
Record of Decision ( ROD) was signed by EPA in August 2018 and an Explanation of Significant Differences ( ESD) to include LHAAP-03 groundwater under LHAAP-35A(58) was signed by EPA in September 2018. The selected remedy included excavation and offsite disposal of the contaminated soil. Remedial Design/Remedial Action Work Plan ( RD/ RAWP) was completed in June 2019. Field work to remove the contaminated soil was completed in August 2020 and a Remedial Action Completion Report ( RACR) was completed in April 2021.
Contaminants of Concern
Arsenic and lead in soil
Current Phase
The site has been closed and no further action is required.
Future Phase
No further action is required.