Army Ammunition Plant
Environmental Restoration Program
Welcome to the website for Longhorn Army Ammunition Plant (also known as LHAAP). LHAAP is a former government-owned facility located in Karnack, Texas, about 40 miles west of Shreveport, Louisiana. The site was placed on the National Priorities List on August 9, 1990. The cleanup is taking place under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act ( CERCLA) with the United States Army as the lead agency in coordination with the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( USEPA) Region 6 and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ( TCEQ). The Army Base Realignment and Closure Division ( BRAC) is overseeing the environmental cleanup of contamination at the site that resulted from the production of various defense items (such as explosives, pyrotechnics, illuminants and rocket motors) beginning near the start of WWII, through the early 1990s. As a result of these efforts, approximately 7,000 acres of the 8,416-acre former installation have been found suitable for transfer to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service ( USFWS) and are now being managed as the Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
Get Involved
You are welcome to explore this site to learn more about the LHAAP environmental restoration program. The project process will include several opportunities for public involvement.
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(Since December 9, 2014)